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Influencer Marketing

The concept of influencer marketing has been translated into Turkish with meanings such as “memorable marketing, advice marketing, phenomenon marketing, influence marketing, interactive marketing, digital opinion leadership, etc.”. People who have a strong audience on one of the social media platforms and whose opinions are given importance in the field where they produce content are defined as influencers. Influencers are people who are followed by fewer people but who are experts in a particular subject. Therefore, it is of great importance for marketers when evaluated in the right projects.

In the pre-internet era, the concept of the “marketing funnel” consisting of the stages of “noticing”, “thinking” and “buying” was used to explain consumers’ decision-making processes. In today’s world, where consumers can share their experiences with the product or service they have purchased with producers and other consumers on social media, the “marketing funnel” is supported by user comments. The most important reason why social media is reshaping marketing procedures is that consumers can influence purchasing decisions by sharing their positive or negative opinions with other consumers in the consideration stage.

Influencers can be divided into micro and macro influencers. Macro influencers have a large following and do not have a detailed knowledge of their followers’ characteristics and tendencies. Micro influencers are people with fewer followers, but with stronger communication between them and a direct influence on the consumer’s social graph. While influencers, who have become very effective in recent years, significantly influence consumers’ purchasing decisions, they also take responsibility for consumers. As Mobitek, we manage the identification of influencers suitable for brand goals and profile, content planning, purchasing and reporting processes.

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Mobitek is an integrated SEO agency that produces data-driven digital marketing solutions in Turkey and around the world. With over 20 years of experience and expert staff, Mobitek provides performance and solution-oriented marketing services to brands.